Free Book Day: Alexis Morgan’s New Warriors of the Mist Series

by Asa Maria Bradley

AlexisPhotoMany years ago, I went to my very first writers’ conference. More than a little frightened and overwhelmed by the number of workshops and the large egos of some of the writers, I considered staying in my hotel room the second day. Instead, I pulled on my big-girl panties and braved another day of feeling out of place, answering rude questions, and attending workshops that taught me I would probably never make it as a fiction writer because few people ever did. That afternoon I attended a panel of romance writers. As soon as I stepped into the room, I could feel a difference in the air. The authors were chatting and laughing before the session started, so did the audience. During the session, I was encouraged, inspired, and motivated. I also laughed so hard, my stomach ached for hours afterward. One of the authors on that panel was Alexis Morgan and I went home and bought every book of hers I could find. I instantly fell in love with her Paladins and Talions series.

About 18 months later, I attended my first ever romance writers conference. It was as fun and inspiring as the panel I’d attended at that first conference. At the end of the first day, I happened to sit next to Alexis as part of a larger group in the bar. Star struck, I stammered how much I liked her books. Gracious and friendly, she looked past my fan-girl awkwardness and spent the next two hours chatting with me about writing, life, and the universe.

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I can’t tell you how honored and excited I am to have her on the blog today. If you haven’t yet read her books, run down to your local bookstore or hit those keys to your favorite buying URL. You will not be disappointed.

Leave a comment down below to be entered into a contest to win a signed copy of MY LADY MAGE, the first in Alexis’ Warriors of the Mist series. The contest ends on Monday 7/22/13 at 6 pm, Pacific Time.

Here’s my chat with Alexis Morgan, Paranormal Author Extraordinaire.

I’m a huge fan of your Paladins and Talions series. The Warriors of the Mist books also blew me away, but feel more like traditional fantasy—with love stories—than the paranormal romance genre of your earlier series. What was your inspiration for this new series and do you have a preference for either genre?

I’ve always loved the fantasy genre, and my very first completed manuscript was originally set in a fantasy world. My inspiration for the Warriors of the Mist came from a mix of things. I liked the idea of a group of warriors who had spent their long lives fighting battles that weren’t of their own choosing. I saw this service as more of a punishment than a sense of duty to their gods. As they waited sometimes centuries between callings, I realized they needed to have a safe place to rest between callings. And I liked the idea of the heroine, desperate for a means to save her people, standing at the edge of a deep, still pool of water and praying that the gods show mercy.One thing led to another, and they became the Warriors of the Mist.

In The Warriors of the Mist books, the horses play a big role and function as secondary characters. I love that they choose their riders rather than the other way around. Are you a big animal lover and do horses have a special place in your life?

I am an animal lover and have always had pets–dogs, cats, fish, rats, hamsters, and now parakeets. Actually, the rats were my son’s, but they were actually great pets for him. I’ve always loved horses although I’ve never owned one myself. They are so beautiful and amazing to watch in motion. In the magical world of the Warriors of the Mist, it only seemed logical that the horses should have a say in which humans they serve. Picking out the right horse for each of the warriors told me a lot about the personality and character of the warriors themselves. I happened across a book called THE BEAUTIFUL HORSE (ISBN 978 1 40548053 6.) It has the most amazing photographs which really helped me find the right image for each warrior’s horse.

The five legendary warriors of the mist are honorable, brave, and incredibly sexy. Who would you cast as for the movie versions of your books?

Boy, that’s hard. I always try to leave room for my readers to envision my characters the way that is most satisfactory for them, but here’s what I was thinking: For Gideon, the captain, I would pick Joe Manganiello, and Murdoch would be played by David Wenham. Duncan could be played by Paul Bettany, and Averel by a young Keifer Sutherland. And from the very beginning, the only person I could every picture as Kane was Aidan Turner. He would be SO perfect for the part.

You write across a multitude of genres: Westerns, Contemporary, Paranormal, and Fantasy. Do you have any advice for writers that would like to branch out into other genres than the one they started out in?

I think the important thing is to understand your own voice as a writer and the themes that most often underlie the type of story you like both as a reader and as a writer. For me, I’ve always written heroes that are warriors at heart. In my westerns, I wrote most often about lawmen or soldiers back from the war. My Paladins and Talions are the protectors of their world and their people. And the first heroes in my new contemporary series are soldiers.

So although I’ve written in a lot of different subgenres, they are all romances centered around a strong hero with a powerful sense of duty and honor. That, in turn, mandates that I have heroines who are as strong in their own way.

MyLadyMageWhat’s the best writing advice you ever received?Learn to set goals and work hard to achieve them. A goal can be something as simple as reading one book on craft every six months or it can be as hard as finishing your first manuscript by a self-imposed deadline. That last one is incredibly important if you plan to make writing a career. If you can’t finish a manuscript, then you’ll never be published, no matter which route you choose to pursue publication.

Many thanks to Alex for stopping by. Visitors, don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win MY LADY MAGE.


Josie Malone July 24, 2013 - 9:27 am

I’m dancing and looking forward to reading the new book – it’ll be so much fun. No, I’m not taking it to the barn to share with the horses – they’ll have to get their own copies!

Asa Maria Bradley July 23, 2013 - 3:14 pm


The power company shut off my power to work on the lines. Sorry for the late announcement for the contest winner. According to, Josie is the lucky recipient of MY LADY MAGE.

Congratulations, Josie! Check your email for my mailing address request.

Thank you Alexis for chatting with us and thank you to everyone who stopped by the blog to participate in the conversation. Stay tuned for more free books in the future.

Tammy Guarisco Smith July 22, 2013 - 3:26 pm

I first met Alexis through a writer pal of mine Laurie. I too was
captivated by all her awesome heros and the AMAZING worlds
they lived in! I’m so excited to read this new series!

Alexis Morgan July 17, 2013 - 7:59 am

**waving like a mad woman!** Sandra! How are you doing???? Should I apologize (again) for keeping you up nights? 🙂 Hope you’re doing well!


Sandra July 16, 2013 - 10:34 pm

Hi Alexis!!!! It’s your Aussie stalker. I never get enough sleep when I read your books. So I’ve developed the Alexis Morgan book in a day reading ritual. You get up at 4 in the morning, have all your food and drinks for the day organized, threaten death and dismemberment to anyone who even condiders disturbing you while reading your book, then cry for days afterwards because you haven’t got another AM fix for a while,then go back and read one of your earlier books with your deliciously dark heroes. Thanks for the pleasure I just love your heroes. I’m on the Aidan T band wagon. Thanks again.

Alexis Morgan July 16, 2013 - 6:28 pm

Hi, Roni!
For starters, I love Mercedes Lackey, Elizabeth Vaughan, Amy Raby, Patricia Wrede, Anne Bishop, and Robin McKinley.

And, yes, yum is the word when it comes to Aidan Turner. Loved him as the vampire in the British version of BEING HUMAN and as one of the dwarves in THE HOBBIT. He has the sweetest smile, but can look so cold and calculating in the blink of an eye!


Roni Lynne July 16, 2013 - 5:17 pm

Hi Alexis! I agree with you on animals all having distinct personalities. And Aidan Turner is YUM!!! Now you’ve got my attention! ;-P I haven’t read a good fantasy in a while. Who are some of your favorite fantasy authors?


Alexis Morgan July 16, 2013 - 2:24 pm

So true!


Virginia July 16, 2013 - 2:16 pm

Brilliant! Who wouldn’t fall for a guy with a dog like that? Talk about the world’s best ‘wingman’ 🙂

Alexis Morgan July 16, 2013 - 1:12 pm

I agree about animals as characters. In one of my favorite Jayne Ann Krentz books, the hero adopts a stray dog that had showed up on his doorstep. All he had to feed the poor dog was a can of chili. However, the dog stuck around–but carries his food dish in his mouth whenever they go anywhere, you know, just in case. 😉


Virginia July 16, 2013 - 1:07 pm

I LOVE books with animals as characters. I know my cat (Loretta) is certainly a character 🙂 I haven’t read any of your books,
Alexis, but I will be making a point of searching one out. And I haven’t read a good Fantasy in a while, so it must be time for one.

Alexis Morgan July 16, 2013 - 12:46 pm

Thank you so much for having me here today! I have to say that I’ve made some of the best friends in my life at a writers’ conference. I’ve found writers to be some of the friendliest, most giving people in the world!

**waving** Hi, Josie, I’m sure the horses love you anyway, but the carrots certainly don’t hurt.


Josie Malone July 16, 2013 - 11:21 am

Hi Alexis,
Love your stories and of course as a horse person, I know they choose their riders. Either that or they love the carrots I bring to the barn every time. Can’t wait to read the new book. Josie!

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