
Where to Find Asa

  • April 18-20: Spring Fling, Chicago, IL 
    Sponsored by Chicago-North Romance Writers, the event features workshops for writers, keynote speeches, pitch appointments, networking, a silent auction, a book signing event, and a gala ball. Asa will lead an interactive  workshop on how to craft pitches and blurbs and have books available at the multi-author signing on Saturday, April 20th 3 – 5 PM Central Time.
  • May 22: Genre Fiction Talk, Spokane WA
    Join Asa in an interactive workshop at the Shadle Park Library 6-7 PM and explore the staples of genre fiction writing. Learn craft tips, publishing options, and market research shortcuts that help you create a story that stands out to agents, editors, and readers. Bring your questions! 

Previous Online Appearances

If you’re not able to make it to an event, here are a few places where you can see/listen to Asa online: 

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