Let’s just get down to what we all want to know, even though we always say it’s not what is most important whenever someone starts a new fitness regime. I have lost 11.02 lbs. And YES, I do count those 0.02 suckers on the end there. Because when I tell you that of those hard-earned pounds, I lost 6.02 during week 1, you can understand how much I have struggled and how much my motivation waned. Like most women, I’ve been on one diet or another pretty much all my life since puberty. This has taught me that the first …
Creating new habits is freakin’ hard! But I need to get rid of the pounds I’ve added to my padding during the pandemic, plus the pounds I needed to lose before the coronavirus pushed us all into self-isolation and made us hang out with our pantries and refrigerators all day. My weight has crept into digits that are affecting my health. My blood pressure is too high and needs to be medicated. I am fatigued in the afternoon and can’t concentrate on my writing. I run out of breath while walking up long flights of stairs. It’s not pretty. And …
Although I do all my outlining and writing on the computer, I use paper planners for my project planning. Actually, I’m a little bit obsessed with planners and stickers. If you too are a planner fanatic, here’s your chance to win a fabulous package from the Carpe Diem company, that makes fabulous planner ring binders and accessories. On Wednesday at 8 PM Pacific Time, one of my newsletter subscribers will win: Smoking can also affect your sperm motility and count, so it is very devensec.com viagra without prescription important to ditch cigarettes. viagra best prices Disease involving the heart and …