Tonight I went to a local comedy club with some friends. I’ve always admired stand up comics, the good ones makes something really hard looks so very easy. It’s like they’re just hanging out with friends and shooting the breeze. The ones we saw tonight were not that good. Instead of delivering well written material, they relied on shock factor instead. Don’t get me wrong, I like a dirty or offensive joke as much as the next guy. But if it isn’t funny, then what’s the point?
So that got me thinking. What I find funny is of course not what other people find funny. Is it easier to tell a good joke than to write a good joke? Probably, and if you don’t get to tell your joke, if you have to rely on someone else reading it, then it is really hard. I admire humorist writers even more than comics. My favorite right now is David Sedaris.
The first time I heard him was on NPR. He was reading an essay from Me Talk Pretty One Day. I was laughing so hard, I had to pull over on the side of the road to not crash my car. After the program was over, I drove straight to a bookstore and bought the book. I don’t know if the book would have been less funny if I hadn’t heard Sedaris’ voice before reading it; his timing and delivery are always perfect. However, I’ve enjoyed all his books and always look for his essays in the New Yorker. Maybe I find him so funny because we have similar types of humor, but then a lot of people must share that with me, because he is immensely popular. I prefer to think that he’s an incredibly good writer and I think the proof of that is that he makes something really hard looks so very easy.
So tell me, who do you think is the funniest person alive today?
Here are some links to You Tube with David Sedaris reading three of my favorites of his essays.
“Jesus Shaves”
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“Bend Over and Say ‘Ah'”
“Stadium Pal”
“6 to 8 Black Men”