The Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal chapter of RWA invited me to do another blog post. Today I’m over at their place, talking about:
At a recent reading in my town, author Craig Johnson talked about how much he liked Robert Taylor’s audition for the role of Sheriff Walt Longmire in the A&E TV series based on Johnson’s Longmire novels (Viking). That is, he liked it until a breathy “Oh, my” escaped from his wife’s lips while she watched Taylor saunter across the screen. She quickly defended her reaction by describing Taylor as a taller and slightly better looking, “TV version” of her husband. (Nice save, Mrs. Johnson.)
This made me wonder what the TV/film version of me would be like. I pictured a polished version of me with better skin, thicker more lustrous hair, wearing expensive designer clothes and shoes. She would know how to walk in high heels, have an infectious tinkling laugh, and use a clever repertoire of insightful comments during conversations.
And she would look good in hats.
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Later that night, I uploaded some pictures from the author event to social media and realized the edited version of my life already exists: Facebook.Here are some of the director choices I’ve made while presenting the Facebook version of my life:….
Read the rest at the FF&P blog.