Huge Paranormal Romance Giveaway!

by Asa Maria Bradley

??Paranormal Romance Fans! This One is For You!??

I have teamed up with fourteen other authors for a fabulous giveaway. Check it out!

->15 Authors, 46 (yes that many!) Chances to Win!
->1 Grand Prize of 15 Books!
->45 Runner-Ups get 1 Book Each! 

Closes April 15. Enter now:
(U.S. Only. Make sure to read the instructions in the form.)

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Participating Authors: 
Abigail Owen
Asa Maria Bradley (Me!)
Brenda Trim
Carrie Ann Ryan
Chris Cannon
J.C. McKenzie
Juliette Cross
Kait Ballenger
L.E. Wilson
Lisa Kessler
Lucy Monroe
Luna Joya
Marlene Perez
Nina Croft
N.J. Walters