Free Book Day: Amy Patrick’s CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING

by Asa Maria Bradley

AmyToday I have the pleasure of interviewing award-winning author and two-time Golden Heart Finalist Amy Patrick.

I’ve been hanging out with her in the 2014 Golden Heart finalists online forum since the nominations were announced in March and I also met her in person at the Romance Writers of America National Conference in July. She is so nice and so much fun!

And she’s also an amazing writer.

I just finished reading her new novel CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING and I loved, loved, loved it. It’s such a pleasure to interview Amy today. Here’s the book blurb:

22-year-old Heidi Haynes is almost one year into her “real life”. She has her first reporting job, her first apartment, and a comfortable relationship with her college sweetheart. But for some reason she’s not as eager to talk about walking down the aisle as he is.


CTS FINAL COVERHeidi secretly longs for big cities, big-market breaking news, and real independence from her way-too-close-by helicopter parents. Problem is, the last time she left the security of home for new places and new people, things didn’t go so well. Disastrously, in fact, and she came running back to a local college and a “safe” boyfriend.


Aric Serrano is definitely not safe.


He’s six-feet-four-inches of missing-Hemsworth-brother-hotness and plans to stay in small-market-Southern-Hell just long enough to grab a cup of coffee and put together a kick-ass “escape tape”. He’ll serve his one-year contract, then he’s taking off for a higher rung on the TV sports ladder—alone—the way he likes it. Then he meets his new co-anchor.


Heidi would be so much more comfortable if she could simply ignore Aric. He’s just her type—the type she’s so careful to avoid these days. But that becomes impossible when she’s forced to work closely with him on the weekend newscast. Now the attraction between them is growing even faster than the ratings, and what happens behind the scenes is the real news.

Amy’s giving away one ebook copy of CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING to a lucky commenter on today’s post. (Didn’t I tell you she was nice?!)

Let’s pick her brain about the novel and writing in general.

Hi Amy, welcome to the blog. How long have you been writing?

I started trying to write a novel during my first year out of college, but stalled out a few chapters into it. I had no idea how to write a novel! Unfortunately, I took only Journalism courses and NO creative writing in school. I know—what was I thinking, right? I guess I just never thought a fiction writer was something I could be. But the writing bug wouldn’t leave me alone. I started several more novels over the years. Finally, after leaving my full-time TV news career, I started learning the craft of novel-writing. I finished my first novel in 2010 and started pursuing publication then. I started writing on a more-or-less full-time basis about a year ago.
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Is CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING your first book?

CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING was actually my 3rd book, though it’s the first to be published. The first one I wrote was a Young Adult fantasy (with lots of romance). It was a finalist for the RWA Golden Heart award in 2013. My Young Adult murder mystery (with lots of romance) FOUR BULLETS, is now out on submission to publishers. It was a Golden Heart finalist this year! Since finishing CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING, I’ve also written two more books in the 20 SOMETHING series. Book 2, STILL YOURS, is Mara’s story and takes place in Providence and Newport, Rhode Island. Book 3, Kenley’s story, STILL ME, takes place in Atlanta where Kenley lands a job at the network.

When do you like to write, and where do you write?

I wish I was one of those super-focused people who can write anywhere anytime, but I’m the world’s worst multi-tasker. I can edit at home, but for first drafts, I banish myself to the library. There’s a particular chair in a particular corner—in the far back, facing a boring wall. No internet access. No temptation. I sit down and the words flow. They know they’re supposed to turn on when I get to my hidey-hole.

What made you decide to write New Adult romance?

I think it’s a fantastic time period in life to write about because SO MUCH happens during the years you’re 18-26, and the decisions you make during that time can determine the entire direction of your life (yeah, no pressure there). There’s probably no other time of life that holds more possibility or more romance than those years. My own life during that time was an exciting, crazy, wonderful mess. I did so many stupid things, but also many amazing things, and I’m sure a lot of people can say the same.

What’s one crazy fact about you that most people who meet you probably wouldn’t guess was true?

I used to be a professional singer. I’ve sung in several bands and did background vocals on a smooth jazz album. I also sang the theme song for SAS Airlines years ago. “Welcome aboard… to the skies… of S-A-S… where you’ll find… happiness.”

I love that you did the theme song for Scandinavian Airlines. Now I’ll think of you every time I use them to fly back home to Sweden. And now for the most important questions:  Biggest celebrity crush?

As you may have guessed from the story blurb for CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING, I have a little thing for Chris Hemsworth. Liam’s up there on my list, too. And I have a huge crush on Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki in the Marvel movies.

Mmmm, you can’t go wrong with the Hemsworth brothers. That would be my answer too. Thanks for hanging out with me today!

Thank you so much for having me here today. I’m thrilled to be a guest on your blog!

Blog readers, share your biggest celebrity crush below for a chance to win a copy of CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING. I’ll draw the lucky winner on Sunday (8/17) night at 6 pm PST.  If you don’t want to wait till then, here are some links to purchase your very own copy of the novel:

NOOK/Barnes and Noble—
All Romance–



Asa Maria Bradley August 18, 2014 - 3:26 am

The contest is now closed. Thank you everyone for playing. picked Shelly Chalmers as the lucky winner. Congratulations, Shelly! I’ll contact you by email to get your details.

jodelle55 August 17, 2014 - 4:05 pm

My celebrity crush is Brad Pitt. Thanks for running this giveaway.

Asa Maria Bradley August 18, 2014 - 3:24 am

Mmmm. Mr. Pitt is still one of my favorites too.

Jena Lang August 16, 2014 - 3:39 pm

It’s tough to choose just one, but I pick Chris Hemsworth.

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 8:29 pm

You’re in good company, Jena. He seems to be a favorite among many. 😉

McCall Hoyle August 16, 2014 - 1:18 pm

Seriously, the Scandinavian airline song? I told you I learn something new about you in every interview!

Whoever wins the giveaway will be one happy reader!

Hugs, ladies! 🙂

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 8:28 pm

I laughed out loud when I found out about the SAS song. 🙂

Amy Patrick (@AmyPatrickBooks) August 16, 2014 - 10:14 pm

I’ll sing it for you sometime, McCall. 😉

S.C. Chalmers August 16, 2014 - 5:23 am

Great interview, and your book is definitely on my to-be-purchased list, Amy. 🙂 Hmm, starting with a celebrity crush is kind of new for me, but it was Eric Balfour who really inspired my last character. And the Hemsworth brothers are just so yummy! I also like Tom Hardy and the new one I’m looking at for a current book is Jai Courtney, who I first saw in “Die Hard 5” and who was in “Divergent” even if I didn’t recognize him. I have noticed that as I get older, the guys I want to cast tend to be a bit older, too, and I’m creating very different qualities in them than I would have when I was back in my twenties. 🙂

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 6:14 am

You would get a long very well with my best friend Jere’, Shelly. You both like the same type, she too is a big Tom Hardy fan. Are you looking forward to the new Mad Max movie? I wasn’t a big fan of TH until I saw how much he’s buffed up for the movie. Yum!

Also, wouldn’t it be horrible if we looked for the same qualities in our partners that we did in our 20s?

Sheri Humphreys August 16, 2014 - 4:02 am

Hi, Asa. I enjoyed the interview! I cast all my main characters, too. I’ve used Aaron Eckhart, Rob Lowe, Paul Walker and Daniel Craig as heroes. With the exception of Aaron Eckhart, I didn’t have celebrity crushes on these guys. They just looked the way I envisioned my characters. I loved the reference to the Hemsworth brothers in Channel 20 Something. I knew exactly how Aric looked–totally drool-worthy! For my current celebrity crush I’ll fess up to Charlie Hunnam. I’m counting down the days to the new season of Sons of Anarchy.

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 6:10 am

Oh yes. Jax! I think there might be a tie on the internet between Chris H and Charlie H in terms of number of bare-chested pictures. 🙂

julieinkc August 16, 2014 - 3:52 am

Fun interview!!! Crush? Timothy Olyphant in Justified.

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 6:08 am

Yes! Love Raylan Givens! Something about those boots, that hat, and the swagger.

Amy Patrick (@AmyPatrickBooks) August 16, 2014 - 10:12 pm

Have you seen Timothy in Catch and Release? The way he walks just slays me!

Asa Maria Bradley August 17, 2014 - 1:48 am

I totally forgot that he was in that movie! You’re right, he’s got the Raylan swagger going on there too. I guess I need to start calling it the Tim swagger. 🙂

kimmaccarron August 16, 2014 - 3:28 am

Great interview, ladies! And congrats again on the release of your NA, Amy! My celebrity crush is also Chris Hemsworth. After I saw The Avengers, I developed a crazy fixation on the guy. I went home and googled him and saw him pushing a baby stroller and being such a good daddy that my crush grew. LOL. That, from a middle-aged woman who apparently gets very turned on by men being attentive dads.
I loved the way you worded your experience during your NA years: “My own life during that time was an exciting, crazy, wonderful mess.” Awesome!!! Love that!
Good luck again, my wonderfully talented Savvy, Dauntless, Lucky Dream Weavin’ sister. 🙂 Love you!

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 6:07 am

Looks like Chris is in the lead. 🙂

Amy Patrick (@AmyPatrickBooks) August 16, 2014 - 3:14 am

Suzanne- I do the same thing! The celeb guy is the “prototype” but then he disappears as My guy takes shape. 🙂 And Lenora… I am SO with you on Chris Pratt! I saw him in Moneyball and knew he was destined for stardom. Q-T!

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 6:06 am

Now I have to watch Moneyball.

Lenora Bell August 16, 2014 - 2:03 am

Great interview! I already own CHANNEL 20 SOMETHING 🙂 I just saw Guardians of the Galaxy and I have to say I developed a crush on Chris Pratt.

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 2:26 am

“I am Groot!” I loved that movie. I so want to buy it and put it next to my Firefly DVDs. I totally have a weakness for space cowboys. 🙂

Suzanne August 16, 2014 - 1:23 am

Great interview, Ladies! I’m a loyal gal, so I’ve stayed true to two celebrity crushes. The first book I ever wrote starred Robert Downey, Jr. Do you remember the movie Chances Are? I loved him in that! And Taylor Kitsch has probably starred in at least 3 of my more recent books. But I have to say, they may be a starting point for my heroes, but once I get into the story, I lose them altogether. But what lovely launching points!

Asa Maria Bradley August 16, 2014 - 2:29 am

I too have celebrities starring in my books without ever knowing they did. I too lose them once the characters take on their own lives.

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