Welcome to the first free book day on this blog. I have a huge stack of signed copies by fantastic authors. Many more chances to win your favorite writers’ work are forthcoming.
Where did I get all of these books, you ask? Mostly from attending the amazing book signings at the national RWA conference, but also from signings in my local bookstores, and other writing conferences. And now I want to share them with you.
Speaking of the RWA conference, I just got the huge box of books I shipped from this year’s event in Anaheim. I love writing conferences for many reasons: attending workshops, pitching to editors and agents, meeting my favorite writers, getting free books, and more. Mostly though, I go because I always get a swift kick in the pants of inspiration (and motivation). There is something magical about a large group of writers in the same location. Because of their talking and thinking about writing, creativity lies thick in the air. Like a sponge, I soak it all up.
One person that inspired me greatly this year was Darynda Jones. Her debut novel FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT, won the prestigious RITA Award for Best First Book. The second book in the series, SECOND GRAVE ON THE RIGHT, won the Paranormal Category of the Daphne Du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense, as well as the overall prize of that contest. I just finished reading the first book and completely agree with all the judges’ decisions. Her protagonist, Charley Davidson—part time PI and full-time grim reaper—is sassy, funny, and endearing. The plot and world building are unique and engaging. And most of all, the writing is fantastic. There are phrases and dialogues that had me laugh out loud. Here’s a short snippet to give you an idea of the main character and the fabulous voice of the writer:
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“Hi,” he said nervously. He had a wrinkled suit, round-rimmed glasses, and mussed hair that made him look part young-wizard-we-all-know-and-love and part mad scientist. He also had two bullet holes on the side of the his head with blood streaking down his right temple and cheek. None of those of those details were a problem. The problem resided in the fact that he was in my bedroom. In the wee hours of dawn. Standing over me like a dead Peeping Tom.”
If you have not yet read this fantastic new author, now is your chance to get a signed(!) copy of FIRST GRAVE ON THE RIGHT.
Whether you are a writer, reader, artist, teacher, or just need some help getting up in the morning (face it, we all have days like that) tell me what inspires you. What makes your spirit soar? What motivates you to keep doing what you do?
Leave a comment below and I’ll pick a winner on Monday night, 10 pm Pacific Time. Don’t forget to include your email (not publically shown) so I can contact you if you win.
Wow, way to get in on the contest just under the gun Danielle!
I entered everyone’s name into Random.org and after the site “randomized” the list, Danielle is the winner! I’ll be sending you an email, but if it for some reason doesn’t reach you, please email me your mailing address at asa at asamariabradley dot com.
The contest is now closed. Thank you so much for sharing what inspires and motivates you. Stay tuned for another signed book give-away later this week.
I enjoy reading and what motivates me to keep reading is seeing the amazing worlds and characters that the authors create. Along with gushing about the books to my freinds and getting them hooked. Also a Venti seized Mocha Cookie Crubmle helps too 🙂
So, more music, more nature, good friends, real life, asking what if, and science (my favorite).
Thanks for all of this guys and thanks for visiting.
I’m inspired by my sick sense of “What if…”. Like what if I walk in to this store and it gets held up… what would I do? Or what if I was single again with… this guy… or this guy… or this girl?
So much inspires me, I couldn’t begin to say it all here. Nature, people who think in different ways than I, life’s turns.
Mostly though, I think it’s mankind’s spirit. It runs through my life, and my writing. We’re like bumbling toddlers, falling and getting up again, trying to figure out this existence we find ourselves in.
Wow, 4 cups of coffee, a good blog and I’m waxing philosophical!
Oh – and free great books! They’re very inspiring 😉
I get inspired by other people’s real life stories, then I think what if? What if she missed the train and lost the job? Or what if they met while he was still in the military and had to learn about each other long distance? Or what if she didn’t realize he was her best friend but soul mate? Real life is my launching pad.
Unresolved issues of mine seem to be my inspiration for my books. Good thing I have a lot of those! I use my writing to come to terms with those issues and then by the time I’m done, they’re resolved.
What inspires me? A great story or a good joke or just a cool concept that pops into my head. Thanks for asking.
I am inspired by music. A catchy phrase, a haunting melody, sometimes just a song playing at a special moment will plant the seed for a story. I just add a little time for it to germinate then sit down at the keyboard and write.
I can be inspired by nature, situations, great speakers, mood, good books, conversations, and by good friends! Sounds like I can get inspired by almost anything… I write on occassion and mostly short prose or poetry.
Sometimes it’s a good book, sometimes the change of seasons, sometimes a scene which pops into my head out of no where. And science… especially when it’s real and fresh and cutting edge, and I can twist it to use in my stories.
Rebecca, do the scientists have to be hot too, or just happy? 🙂
Jere, you so qualify and you inspire me! Especially when you deliver virtual kicks to my behind and tell me to go write and stop whining.:-)
Writers can make me laugh and weep with their works. Sometimes there is howling too. Nothing gives me more pleasure than drinking coffee, lying on the couch on rainy day reading a book that blows my mind. I am not eligible for said freebie, as I spent 3 hours discussing books, writing & Jeremy Renner with the blogger – but I have put it on my library book list. You inspire me too Bestie!
I get inspired many different ways – from something one of the kids says to a hot song to watching the NASA scientists when Curiosity landed. 🙂
Great blog post!
Nature, music, kids, and free books–got it!:-)
Quite a few of my writer friends make play lists for their WIPs. I am the opposite. I need quiet and often have earplugs handy to drown out TV or husband or dog.
I do listen to music while plotting a book. Usually I have a favorite artist or album for each book.
I would have to say kids inspire me the most. The things they say constantly crack me up. The saying…out of the mouths of babes. So true! That in turn, to me, translates into wanting to write stories for them.
Free books inspire me. Music too, especially if I’m casting about for the tone of a piece. I had some trouble with a short story a few months ago. After successive edits and a critique, I realized the tone of the piece was off. I kept thinking about how in my head the piece sounded like old Johnny Cash and Philip Glass (the old Dracula stuff), so I made a playlist and rewrote the piece while I listened to it. Much better.
Many things inspire me. Sometimes something as simple as the whisper of wind in pine trees, or the music of water running over rocks. Sometimes it’s a writers convention where everyone is talking publishers and plots and people. Or like Virginia said, reading a particularly telling phrase in the book I’m reading.
A really good book inspires me! When I get lost in someone else’s world for a while and enjoy it, that makes me want to get lost in my own world and write about it and off I go! So glad you had a good time at Nationals. A pic with La Nora?!! OMG 🙂
Oh, good one Virginia!
I have my arm around Nora and it kind of looks like I’m strangling her, but I promise I wasn’t. I wasn’t!
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