First Manuscript Request

by Asa Maria Bradley

Haven’t been posting for a while, but that’s because I’ve been busy with new and wonderful things.

My friend Jere and I traveled to the beautiful Whidbey Island for their writers’ association’s annual conference—and what a great conference it was. The fantastic nature, the excellent volunteers, and the intimate and casual atmosphere made this my favorite conference ever.

One of the reasons I’m so partial to it is because while pitching for an agent, I got my first FULL MANUSCRIPT REQUEST ever for Paved Paradise. So, that’s what I’ve been working on. Even though the manuscript was completed and reviewed by my writers’ group (twice) I still couldn’t let it go without doing some polishing and final edits.
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More about the conference later—now back to grading my students’ finals and catching up on sleep.  

(Moved from my old blog: