Want to know how writing a fan letter to an author led to my very first major publishing credential? Interested in knowing a little more about writing for anthologies? Want to win a free copy of FEMALE NOMAD AND FRIENDS: BREAKING FREE AND BREAKING BREAD AROUND THE WORLD? Did prescription for ordering viagra your stomach move out? If so, great! You are using your diaphragm for regular deep breaths. A man who also faces diabetes is cheap viagra 25mg said to be the victim of erectile dysfunction. Except in http://www.devensec.com/news/Current_Projects_May_2014.pdf viagra without prescription a few countries, Andrology remains a sub-specialty …
Female Nomad & Friends
EssaysFemale Nomad & FriendsFirstsInspiration
Attend My Global Dinner Party; Send an Indian Kid to School
(This also posted at Bark.) I’m having a party on June 18th at 6 pm and you are invited. This isn’t just any kind of party, I will host a gathering at my house, but at the same time, all around the world, other people will have the same party—on the same theme. What’s our theme you ask? I’ll tell you, we’re CONNECTING THROUGH FOOD, one of my favorite ways of connecting. We’re also celebrating the release of Female Nomad and Friends: Tales of Breaking Free and Breaking Bread Around the World (a Three River Press original). Forty-one authors, of …
I’ve known about the book for a while now, but when I received the cover it it really sunk in that I’m going to be published–in a book! I may be biased, but this is the most beautiful book cover I have ever seen. I can’t wait to hold a copy in my hand, hope there are many more that feels the same way and that it will make a ton of money for the kids in India. It’s an honor to be part of this project with Rita and to be published among such fantastic writers. As you Buy …